
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pit bull put down after attack on Chihuahua

So this pit bull attacked and killed a mini chihuahua... I didn't even know there was such a thing as a mini chihuahua, aren't they mini enough? Anyways, they put the pit bull down.

Should animal rights organizations be furious? I mean, these are animals, meant for the free ranges of the earth! The poor pit bull was just trying to get some lunch according to his primal instinct. He probably thought it was a rat or a gopher, which is great food for a hungry dog!

Seriously though, is animal on animal violence getting out of hand or what? I recently heard of snakes eating mice. Signs of the times folks, signs of the times...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Man Bulldozes Home to Avoid Foreclosure

So interesting... So this guy decided that the best way to avoid foreclosure was to destroy his home. I guess the thinking is that if it's destroyed no one will want it! Is this a good way to stick it to the man?? Reminds me of when I was in the Army and thought the best way to get revenge for the lack of rational thinking was to use extra toilet paper! By using extra TP I am quietly bankrupting the Government. That will show them!