
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Marine who criticized Obama on Facebook

Marine who criticized Obama on Facebook: I wish I could take it back

Here it goes, is it 1984? Does he deserve to be kicked out of the military for sharing an opinion? My opinion, which means nothing really, is that he was wrong in certain respects and maybe a little naive to think he could get away with this, but not at all deserving of a less than honorable discharge! Reprimanded, yes, discharged, NO!

Doesn't he know that Obama regulates all media outlets and could have had him erased for showing such disdain to the king?? This is symptomatic of a country that disregards the value of our military. I'm a little disturbed... Really.

What do you think?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Impulsive: prone to act on impulse
Impulse: a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to some usually unpremeditated action

So this morning on my way to work, I'm driving down the freeway as usual. As I'm coming up on this 90's model BMW, I see the license plate says "MPULSIV"! As I pass this slow moving vehicle I notice the driver is at least 60 years old... Here are my observations of this phenomenon:

1. Impulsive drivers don't do 45mph!
2. You don't get to be 60 if you live impulsively!
3. Impulsive buyers usually have a much newer vehicle.

I'm sorry I don't have a picture of this event, but I was on a motorcycle.. I suppose I COULD have been more impulsive...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Google, Kansas... previously referred to as Topeka

Interesting marketing story for you... Topeka Mayor decided to change the name of the city in an effort to persuade Google to use their city as a test site for new "ultrafast" internet connection.

The City Attorney stated that they could not legally change the name of the city, so instead they issued a proclamation for the city to be referred to as Google, Kansas!

This has not yet been updated in Google maps as of this article!